The Parallax shader is useful in different cases. Basics are duplication of the ray hit for the object’s normals and depth. Coding this function is normal practice and the original node I found was named this.
But now let’s see how we can edit it to use it for our own effect>>
The Parallax Shading for holo cards in Blender that we will explore in the following video has the following components:

Please have in mind that when you’re generating the .EXR file the order is
R: Ambient occlusion
G: Cavity
B: Depth
If something doesn’t work, try reversing B and G and test the Normal map lighting as well.
Check the video for step by step instructions on how to work with the parallax holo shader:
If you are a Patreon following 3DCinetv, your Tier1 will get the Dark Magician Girl Artwork in 3K .PSD file. If you’re a Tier2, you will get a 3D animation scene with Dark Magician Girl and the Magic Cylinder’s attack in Blender 2.82 format.
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