Hello! Just this past 8th of October I joined for Behance portfolio review for 3D category. This is an event, where you basically get peer review about your work, and ally to anyone who´s on your field of expertise in the area/city of the event. Expositors for the conference talked about creative process, mutant brands, photography and 3d integration for advertisement.
This was my very first time entering in such event. So I didn´t know where to start to be prepared for this event. To be ready for Behance review week portfolios, I´d recommend:
- Download the most significant work from your Behance portfolio (could be 3 or 4 of your TOP best works)
- Get your tablet/device/computer/netbook/laptop/phone fully (I mean 90% or above) fully charged.
- Print a bio of yourself in 1 sheet of paper (I know you probably have 10+ years doing creative work) but it´s best to K.I.S.S.
- Try to optimize your SEO images on your website or include more significant words on your BE portfolio keywords.
- Ask real life people to give honest review about your work (this is a MUST!) 2 or 1 week before the event.
- Ask SOCIAL friends to recommend your work, comment and appreciate your BE portfolio. Share some of theirs too.
- Print -ONLY- your most personal work (something that represents your profession/passion), details are king.
- Organize a real life folder with prints with your achievements / newsprint / advertisment / influences of your work.
Behance Review portfolio week has a pretty linear agenda:
- Get on time
- Get to meet everyone, so everyone will ID you (they give you a badge to identify what category you´re on)
- Be friendly and participate. Get ready to ask questions to the expositors in their conferences.
- Review time! A “leader” of the category is assigned onto a table to check out your work on BE.net
- Awards for the assitants
- Winners of the categories are announced
- Closing of the event.
Quite frankly 3D is a huge category, most of the peers specialize in doing 1 type of 3d, whether there´s architecture renders, products or typography I noticed not everyone is a generalist (another HUGE field these days), because they tend to find lack of resources in their language, or because there are “too many secrets” professionally speaking, and they´re afraid to ask and be rejected. So I took this opportunity to share how I did things, on 3D (as a generalist) and shared enthusiastically, as I -myself-, didn´t have this kind of help back in the days before internet. Yep, you had to head to your local library to learn design, aesthetics, compositing and even photography and ask a book about it, back in my day -heheh-.
In closing, I presented my woks on: Game design, 3D animation, Stereoscopic advertising and animation, and a personal 3d short movie I´m doing on my spare times.
It´s only with the help of God All Mighty that has been possible to win the 3D category. Thanks to my family, friends and employers.
There was winner for each category: 4 medals in total. Thanks for everyone´s assistance, help and comradely!
A BE medal looks like this: